It combines low-cost hardware with free software that is fast, powerful, and extendable.

The chipKIT environment advances the art of open-source, physical computing by expanding support to more chip platforms and introducing new, high-performance libraries. JKI VI Package Manager is only available for LabVIEW and it is not compatible with LabVIEW NXG.The chipKIT development platform with prototyping-friendly 32-bit MCU packages (based on PIC32 microcontrollers) from Microchip is an open-source hardware and software solution intended for beginners and users with little or no knowledge of embedded controllers wanting to explore embedded applications. You can also find documents, examples, and share knowledge there. This forum is constantly monitored by Arduino/LabVIEW users. National Instruments gives support for it through the ni.com/arduino Discussion Forum. LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) is a third-party Add-On for LabVIEW. See How To Download Digilent LINX For LabVIEW? for more information. It is highly recommended to migrate to LINX as there will be no further development for LIFA. Note: The package LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) has been replaced with LINX. See How Do I Load the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Firmware Onto My Arduino Uno? for steps on how to setup the firmware. You can use this palette to interface with the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Firmware once it has been loaded onto your Arduino. You will now have access to the Arduino palette in LabVIEW. Clicking the Upgrade Packages button will update the toolkit to the latest version. When there is an update to the toolkit the icon in VIPM will change to look like the image below. Once the toolkit is installed you can use VIPM to check for updates for it.

The LabVIEW Interface for Arduino is now installed on your system. When you click okay, LabVIEW will prompt you to save any open VIs as it is restarted. You will see a screen indicating that LabVIEW will be restarted.

See VI Package Manager (VIPM) Can't Connect to LabVIEW for troubleshooting steps. If VIPM fails to launch, there is most likely a problem with the VI Server setting in LabVIEW. You can download VIPM Community Edition for free at VI Package Manager.